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AMA key vegetable figures:

Asia produced approximately three-quarters of all vegetables

Global vegetable production amounted to around 1.1 billion tons in 2019, remaining comparatively unchanged from previous years. With a 79% share, the Asian region generated more than three-quarters of the global supply, AgrarMarkt Austria (AMA) reports in its comprehensive statistics report.

World production vegetable acreage in 2019 / Source: FAO / AMA.

In particular, unspecified vegetables (sprouts, etc), tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, and cabbage vegetables produced the highest quantitative yield in tons in 2019.

According to FAO, the global vegetable cultivation area had expanded again in 2019 and stands at 59.4 million hectares, a growth of 5% over the observation period. Asia, as with fruit, occupies a unique position with a 73% acreage share. Europe occupies second place with an 18% share of the global production area for vegetables, ahead of Africa with 5%.

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