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"Deep Water Culture continues to give encouraging results"

Phytoponics deep water culture trials are continuing to provide exciting and encouraging results from the extended trial programmes for standard round and cherry tomatoes, snack peppers and strawberries.

The founders Adam Dixon and Luke Parkin are pleased with the ongoing development of the Phytoponics DWC patented growing system.

The UK trials with standard round tomatoes and cherry tomatoes show good comparisons against conventional growing systems coupled with better use of water and fertilizer due to the patented recirculation process.

Continuing trials with Snack Peppers also suggest exciting times ahead for the Phytoponics systems.

In another new development Phytoponics are working with partners in the Gulf region to trial systems using high salinity water for salad crop production, this could then prove highly beneficial to growers in region.

Co-founder Adam Dixon states, “Based on our cutting edge understanding of deep water culture agronomy and our patented technology that allows for very high levels of root zone control at the same price, or lower than incumbent soilless technology, we have a golden opportunity ahead of us with some very strong partners and I am excited and proud to have my vision start to come into fruition, and welcome connecting to those who want to get involved with Phytoponics DWC systems”.

Another exciting trial which is already leading to a further expansion is with Strawberries. The Phytoponics Deep water culture system has seen exciting developments with both June bearing and Ever bearer varieties and the founders are working on further new enhancements to further improve performance and yield.

For more information:
Phytoponics Limited
Stockbridge Technology Centre, Stockbridge House, Cawood, Selby. Unite Kingdom. YO8 3TZ
[email protected] 

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