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Stephan Weist on renewal of his mandate as President Freshfel Europe:

"As market trends and trading conditions evolve, new opportunities for our sector will arise"

Freshfel Europe held its first ever fully digital Annual General Meeting on the morning of its Joint 2020 Annual Event on the 29 September 2020. Rescheduled from its usual spring date, Freshfel Europe members re-elected Mr. Stephan Weist as Freshfel Europe’s President and Mr. Salvo Laudani as Vice-President for a second mandate of two years. The re-organisation of the Association’s Board to reinforce Freshfel Europe’s coordination on sustainability and the Farm to Fork Strategy’s policy priorities was also confirmed at the virtual Annual General Meeting as was the formal launch of a Committee to coordinate the work of Interbranch organizations at European level. 

Freshfel Europe’s 2020 Annual General Meeting was presided over by the Association’s General Delegate Philippe Binard. Mr. Binard, welcomed the re-election of both Mr. Weist and Mr. Laudani asserting, “I am confident that during Mr. Weist’s and Mr. Laudani’s second mandate as Freshfel Europe President and Vice-President, they will continue to help direct the Association’s activities along with their fellow Board and bureau members, especially in this unprecedented time for the fresh fruit and vegetable sector.” Commenting on the renewal of his mandate as Freshfel Europe President, Mr. Stephan Weist emphasized, “2021 is the UN International Year of Fruit and Vegetables and as market trends and trading conditions continue to rapidly evolve new opportunities for our sector will arise to increase current consumption levels. I’m honoured to head Freshfel Europe for a second mandate of two years in this challenging but exciting period.”

The re-organisation of the Association’s Board was also confirmed at the online meeting. The Freshfel Europe Board has been re-organised to reinforce the Association’s coordination on sustainability and the Farm to Fork Strategy’s policy priorities, now at the forefront of the Association’s work alongside other chief policy areas. The Freshfel Europe Committee for Interbranch Associations was additionally activated at the Annual General Meeting. This new Committee will facilitate exchange on best practices and visibility for Interbranch associations in the fresh fruit and vegetable sector across Europe.

For more information:
Freshfel Europe
Rue de Trèves 49-51, bte 8
1040 Brussels - Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)2 777.15.80
Fax: +32 (0)2 777.15.81
[email protected]

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