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Record-breaking Spanish pepper exports in 2019

In 2019, Spain's pepper exports were record-breaking, both in terms of volume and value, according to data from the statistical service Estacom (Icex-Tax Agency). The volume stood at 863.94 million kilos, 90.38% more than ten years ago and 11.41% more than in the previous year.

The number of companies that export peppers from Spain has increased again, following a decline in recent years. In 2016, there were 718 companies exporting Spanish peppers. This figure dropped to 701 in 2017 and to 650 in 2018, but in 2019 it has risen again and reached 672.

As for the value, pepper exports generated 1,178.39 million Euro in 2019, which is 14.11% more than in the previous year and 94.76% more than 10 years earlier.

The average price at which Spain has exported its peppers in 2019 has been 1.364 Euro per kilo. Germany paid the highest price, with an average of 1.401 Euro per kilo.

More than 3 out of every 10 peppers exported by Spain in 2019 have been intended for German markets. In this last year, Germany has bought a total of 281.68 million kilos of Spanish peppers, for which it has paid 394.6 million Euro, with an average price of 1.401 Euro per kilo. In 2019, a total of 240 Spanish companies exported peppers to Germany.

France ranks second, with 115.74 million kilos worth 159.04 million Euro and an average price of 1.374 Euro per kilo. The number of companies that sold peppers to France in 2019 was 323.

The United Kingdom follows in third place. Last year, it bought a total of 94.49 million kilos, for which it paid 127.95 million Euro, so the average price stood at € 1.354 / kg. These operations were carried out by 165 companies.

The fourth place is for the Netherlands, which bought 87.48 million kilos of peppers worth 115.7 million Euro, with an average price of 1.323 Euro per kilo. A total of 162 companies sold peppers to Dutch buyers in the past year.

The fifth largest customer was Italy, which bought a total of 66.7 million kilos for 73.7 million Euro, at an average price of 1.105 Euro per kilo. Sales of Spanish peppers to Italy were made by 212 companies.



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