In about 3 months’ time the 2nd edition of HortiFlor, the trade fair for Zimbabwean horticulture, will take place in the capital Harare in the HICC (Harare International Convention Center). After the first edition in 2018, a follow up is key to further boost horticulture exports of Zimbabwean grown vegetables, fruits and flowers.
In the past 2 years a lot has already happened in regards to the revival of Zimbabwean horticulture and floriculture. Also EFGAZ, the former Exporter Flower Growers Association of Zimbabwe, was re-established and is currently intensively promoting all flower growers to become a member again. Also HDC, which stands for Horticulture Development Council, is in the process of being established and will be officially launched next month on Thursday the 23rd of January. Gorden Makoni, the chairman of HDC, is very enthusiastic about the pace of the developments and opportunities in the production of fresh produce and floral products.
At an international level more and more countries are knocking on the door of Zimbabwe, both on a governmental as well as on a private level, offering financial and other support to accelerate the process of developments in Zimbabwean Horticulture. However as was to be expected, it goes with ups and downs.
There are tough hurdles to take of which the currency issue is one of the most difficult ones to be solved. The Zimbabwean dollar has been very unstable this year. This will have to be solved in order to restore confidence of both Zimbabwean producers as well as international buyers. The good thing is to know that it will be solved, but the question is how long it will take. Also several other issues are slowing down the development of production and exports. Issues that will need to be addressed, especially by the Zimbabwean government who plays the main role in all its facets.