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Netherlands: Disinfection to prevent cross-contamination

Hygiene ... it seems to be the most used word in greenhouse vegetable cultivation lately. This applies to both the Netherlands and abroad. Jos Veugen from Frans Veugen Bedrijfshygiëne sees their Cart Desinfection Stations mainly going abroad. They are usually installed there as part of new construction projects. Jos: "If you build a new greenhouse, you better do it right in the beginning."

Rolling doors
The technical developments of this product is continuing. The doors of the station first opened outwards, with swinging doors or sliding doors. In practice, this means that it requires double the space (in width). Not every corridor has room for that. That is why the doors are now being replaced with a rolling door. Jos: "A rolling door opens upwards. That is never a hindrance. "

This video shows the Cart Disinfection Station in operation:

Prevent cross-contamination
According to Jos, disinfecting harvest carts is a simple but important step to prevent the risk of infection and cross-contamination. “You have four carts completely disinfected in two minutes. This prevents a small problem in a section of the greenhouse from turning into a major problem in the entire greenhouse. The disinfection is fully automatic in a station that is integrated in the transport system in the greenhouse. The carts remain dry in the station and therefore barrels, cardboard boxes and paper inserts can simply remain on the cart. The station is mechanically ventilated with an outside air connection. Therefore there is no mist entering the production areas.

For more information:
Frans Veugen Bedrijfshygiëne
Jos Veugen
[email protected]

Platinastraat 9
6031 Nederweert
The Netherlands

tel +31 (0)495 460 188