The market supply of Chinese chili peppers comes from many different production areas, such as Jinzhou in Liaoning, Suihua in Heilongjiang, Chifeng in Inner Mongolia, Zhangjiakou, Chengde, Fenghuangdao, and Langfang in Hebei, Wuqing and Jixian in Tianjin, and Datong and Shuozhou in Shanxi.
The price of Chinese chili peppers has been stable in the third quarter of 2019. There were no major fluctuations. However, the overall price is lower than last year.
The price is much lower than last year because the price in the first half of this year and in the second half of last year was extremely high. Many production areas expanded the overall surface area devoted to chili pepper plantation.
At this time of year many production areas simultaneously supply the market with large volumes of chili peppers. The sudden growth of supply pushes the price down. The price of chili peppers in Inner Mongolia and Liaoning is relatively stable. The price fluctuations in the remainder of this year are likely to remain smaller than in the same period last year.
Source: Beijing Xinfadi Market