Plastics company Pöppelmann was among the winners of the "Pro-K-award 2019". This prize is awarded annually by the Pro-K-Industrieverbandes Halbzeuge und Konsumprodukte aus Kunststoff. . The jury of this competition made the TEKU "recycling blue" plant pot series the pro-K-award Winner 2019 in the 'Garden' category. The award ceremony will take place on January 10, 2019 in Frankfurt. A total of 19 plastic products were given awards, spread out over 10 categories.
Award winner: The material for the "Recycling Blue" plant pots by Pöppelmann TEKU originates from plastic waste recycling for a full 100%. Image: Greta Wienholt/Pöppelmann
Key criteria for awarding the prize, according to the Pro-K-Industrial association, are the innovation of the product idea, the design and in particular the functionality. With the new plant pot series, Pöppelmann TEKU has completely closed the raw material cycle for the first time, producing an industrial product from post-consumer recycled material (PCR).
Innovative and recyclable
The high-quality material Pöppelmann PCR comes to 100% from materials, collected through the German dual system. The innovative design of the pot enables 100% recyclability. It fulfills all functions required in professional horticulture. The design concept for the plant pot was developed as part of the company-wide initiative PÖPPELMANN blue.
The aim of this initiative is to close the material cycle. TEKU Sales Manager Sven Hoping was delighted to receive the award: "We see this as recognition for our innovative product development, with which Pöppelmann, as a pioneer in the industry, was able to set standards for resource-efficient plastics processing."
Every year, the pro-K award recognizes the best plastic consumer products with outstanding product properties. In 1979, the pro-K Industrial Association for Semi-finished Products and Consumer Products made of Plastic launched its industry-wide competition for consumer products made of plastic with the aim of focusing on the manifold possibilities of the material.
For more information:
Pöppelmann GmbH & Co. KG
T: +49 4442 982-1605 or