Given the high demand for canned foods in Spain, Virú aims to participate more actively in the business chain and reach the final consumer. Consequently, it has just acquired a distribution company specialized in peppers in that country, said Waysen Li, commercial executive of the canned foods department of the Peruvian agroindustrial firm.
He explained that the aforementioned purchase will allow them to improve their logistics processes in said market, where they have a constant flow of exports.
In Spain, the company also has a commercial office, as in France and Italy, which are its main destinations in the European Union. "Virú is always growing and is committed to have its people present in the countries where it exports the largest volumes," he said.
To Asia and the Middle East
In order to continue boosting its canned food exports, Virú is now setting its sights on the Asian, Middle Eastern and Latin American markets. "We have the contacts, the products and we are making the effort. We are already shipping to those markets, but only small volumes; nothing comparable to what is exported to the United States or the European Union," said Li in the framework of Expoalimentaria.
He said that they have shipped traditional canned foods to China and Japan, but now they are looking to grow with new products in those destinations, as well as in Dubai and the United Arab Emirates. Recently, the firm also ventured into the marketing of sauces, cooked quinoa and ready-to-eat dishes.
In the framework of this expansion, in some years they expect to open some commercial offices in China or another Asian country.