An event staged at Delfland Nurseries, propagators of glasshouse crops (tomatoes, etc.), leeks, onions, celery, brassicas, salads and herbs will provide delegates with an insight into developments with growing media blends for use in propagation, along with the latest information on the control of a number of key pests and diseases.
AHDB Project CP 138: Transition to responsibly sourced growing media use in UK horticulture, has been designed to ease the transition from a dependence on peat to the increased uptake of responsibly sourced growing media; primarily bark, wood fibre, coir and green compost throughout horticulture. Delegates will be given the opportunity to view trials undertaken on cabbage transplants at the nursery.
Based on AHDB funded SCEPTREplus trials and other work, a number of technical updates will focus on the potential management options for lettuce fusarium wilt, control of lettuce root aphid and the prevention of downy mildew control in brassica crops.
The morning session will take place at Askham Village Community, Benwick Road, Doddington, Cambridgeshire PE15 0TX and the second session will take place at Delfland Nurseries Limited, Benwick Road, March, Cambridgeshire, PE15 0TU.