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More than 1,700 visitors for fifth Seed Meets Technology

Growers, students, marketeers, CEOs and sales managers: they all attended the international ‘Seed meets Technology’ event. The fifth edition of this event, held this year from 25 to 27 September, drew over 1,700 visitors, many of whom came from abroad.

This year’s edition was strengthened in many ways. An enhanced focus on communication and name recognisability, for example, resulted in many new participants from countries as far away as Israel and Finland. The diversity of visitors also resulted in outstanding attendance in terms of quality.

Three symposiums were organized on the following subjects: hydroponics, data processing (phenotyping) and seed treatment. The latter was organized jointly with Plantum and was very well-attended: the hall was completely packed. René Huijsmans (Syngenta), Carole Desbois-Vimont (Limagrain) and Werner Pol (Ctgb) explained their vision on the subject of seed treatment in the future.

Speakers at the Hydroponics symposium included Jan Botman (Botman Hydroponics), Arjen Bevelander (Tuinderij Bevelander), Marcel Bugter (AkzoNobel) and Matthijs Blind (Proeftuin Zwaagdijk). The key theme was developments in hydroponics and how this is done in practice at various growers.

The event was concluded on Thursday with lectures by Ton van Dijk (, Jürgen Decloedt (Vito) and Bart Eekhoudt (Flier Systems) about collecting and processing data to enable it to be implemented more effectively at your business.

Presentations of the various symposia can be found on the website of Seed meets Technology.

2019 edition
The sixth edition of this event will take place from 24 to 26 September 2019. Interested companies wishing to participate can contact the organization via [email protected]

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