The cooperation activities to be performed under the administrative arrangement with a duration of three years (2018-2020) would contribute to creating synergies between the DCST and the CPVO in different operational and administrative areas. Exchange of best practice and technical information with the aim of closer international harmonisation is hoped to encourage breeders to make new varieties available and will offer farmers and consumers a better access to adapted varieties meeting their needs. Activities would involve training in Distinctness, Uniformity, Stability (DUS) tests of the staff of the DCST and CPVO in the respective territories, i.e. the DUS Test Centre for Plant New Variety Protection, the Ministry of Agriculture and its sub-centres in the PRC, and entrusted examination offices in the EU. Where appropriate, the CPVO will also involve other stakeholders such as breeders' organisations.
One of the main purposes of this AA is to enhance the environment for breeders to acquire PVP in the EU and in the PRC through the establishment of wide-ranging and flexible mechanisms for guiding and furthering mutual cooperation in the areas. The AA is also intended to facilitate the PRC's potential move towards acceding to UPOV ’91.
The DCST and the CPVO envisage to cooperate on administrative, operational and training activities of common interest such as:
- Enhancing the PVP system in the PRC;
- Streamlining the PVP application procedure;
- Training activities and exchange of experience in PVP administration, DUS examination and use of relevant tools;
- Explore and share enforcement-related practice.