Vegetable grafting: principles and practices
Recently, an international team of experts in the area of vegetable grafting has compiled the latest scientific knowledge and insights in the book “Vegetable grafting: principles and practices”, edited by Giuseppe Colla, Francisco Pérez-Alfocea and Dietmar Schwarz. Furthermore, valuable practical information is provided on grafting methods and the establishment of grafted transplants in the field and in greenhouses. Researchers of the Business Unit Greenhouse Horticulture of Wageningen University & Research have contributed to this book by giving recommendations for the use of grafted plants as an effective tool for sustainable vegetable production in greenhouses.
This book provides an essential source of information for all researchers, technicians, practitioners and extension workers and can help to increase the production, quality and sustainability of grafted vegetable crops.
This book is based upon work from COST Action FA1204, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)
Source: Wageningen University & Research