CAN (BC): Premier celebrates good jobs growing good food
“The hard work of B.C. farmers puts food on our tables and brings jobs to our communities,” said Premier John Horgan. “We’re encouraging people to Buy B.C. food first because when people Buy B.C. they are supporting their neighbours and boosting our economy.”
Agriculture is a key part of a strong, sustainable economy that benefits everyone, in every region of the province. Sixty-three thousand British Columbians work in B.C.’s agriculture, seafood and food and beverage processing sectors, which generates more than $14 billion a year.
“For too long, farmers have been left to struggle with rising land costs, labour challenges and an underdeveloped domestic market,” said Agriculture Minister Lana Popham. “We’re planting the seeds of a stronger agriculture sector by revitalizing the Agricultural Land Reserve, restoring the Buy BC marketing program and working with farmers to create jobs and unlock economic activity in communities throughout the province.”
BC Agriculture Council (BCAC) chair Stan Vander Waal was one of many agricultural representatives at the legislature to honour the work of B.C.’s farmers and ranchers and to encourage British Columbians to recognize the benefits when they Buy BC products.
“BC Agriculture Council and the government have an important role to play in supporting our agri-food system”, said Vander Waal. “By proactively working together, we can achieve mutually beneficial policies, regulations and programs that support the sustainability and growth of B.C.’s land and water based industries.”
BCAC is the only provincewide general farm organization representing the farmers and ranchers of British Columbia. BCAC proudly serves nearly 30 commodity associations who in turn generate 96% of the farm gate sales in B.C.
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