"New domestic policy can enhance UK-grown food production"
Addressing the conference, organised by think tank Bright Blue, Mr Raymond urged government and the farming industry to seize the opportunity to develop a bespoke deal once Britain leaves the EU.
Mr Raymond said: “Brexit offers the farming industry the opportunity of a lifetime to develop a domestic policy that can meet, and go beyond, the expectations and needs of the public. Leaving the EU should be a catalyst for a clear vision and a much-needed food plan and government must take advantage of this.”
“Farming already provides 61% of the food for the nation but we are confident a new domestic agricultural policy can give us the opportunity to enhance our ability to provide home-grown food for the nation, while continuing our care for the countryside.”
Mr Raymond said: “It is crucial that we seize this opportunity and create the right policy framework for Britain. There is recognition that it is important to have a productive farming sector, 89% of the public believe this is the case, so it is vital that we get this policy right.”
The NFU’s framework document for a Domestic Agricultural Policy demonstrates how increasing productivity, managing volatility and enhancing the farmed environment is vital to delivering a bold and ambitious future for the farming sector.
“British farming is the bedrock of the UK’s largest manufacturing sector, food and drink, worth £109 billion and employing 3.8 million people. I am confident we can build on that if we make our domestic agricultural policy a success.”
Source: NFU