Inocucor,the developer and producer of powerful biological crop inputs for agriculture,has appointed Tim Sturm as Executive Vice President, Marketing and Sales andChief Commercial Officer.
Sturmis a distinguished senior product, marketing and sales executive who mostrecently served as Vice President, Consumer Solutions for Koch AgronomicServices, LLC, a $300M plant nutrient division of Koch Industries, Inc. Priorto this position, he managed the specialty fertilizer business for the samecompany as Vice President, Turf & Ornamental Business Unit. Before joiningKoch Industries, he held various senior sales and marketing positions with TheColeman Company, Dorel Industries, The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company and NewellRubbermaid.
“Timjoins Inocucor at an important stage in the company's growth,” said InocucorPresident and CEO Donald R. Marvin. "He will bring considerable industryexperience to our global commercialization activities."
Sturmwill oversee all commercial operations for Inocucor and will lead a rapidlyexpanding team of sales, marketing and business development professionalsacross North America and Latin America.
Inocucoruses a patented fermentation process to combine multi-strains of bacteria andyeasts into powerful soil and plant optimizers that are safe for people and theenvironment. Growers in Canada and the U.S. are using Inocucor’s first twobiostimulatory products to naturally improve crop yields, shorten growingperiods and produce healthier, more resilient soils.
Sturmholds an MBA from Emory University’s Goizueta Business School and a B.S. inIndustrial Engineering from Purdue University.