Changing Polish market drives new packaging demand
Massimiliano Persico and Regina Leone at the Carton Pack stand during Fresh Market Conference 2017 in Warsaw.
"We think that the Polish consumer will continue to evolve and embrace healthier lifestyles, with the younger generations leading the charge. It seems more and more difficult nowadays to stand out with new ideas and packaging can bring a lot of solutions, aesthetically, but also in terms of functionality. Quality and freshness have become key, and packaging plays a driving role on the route to innovation," shared Massimiliano Persico, Strategic Marketing Manager for Carton Pack.
Import and export is on the rise in Poland, along with well structured logistics centres, which according to Massimiliano, is why the company has had its eye on Poland for a while now.
"With renewed partnerships and a development plan for investments, we’re ready to start up our sales presence in Poland with a strong commitment, to support our partners and customers at best. We will focus on berries and apples to start with, which is the most logical, with Poland being a major European producer of both of these products." said Massimiliano.
The company plans on entering the market with their range of R-PET punnets, with and without lids or film covering for berries, along with the company's apple bags, which were on display at the recent Fresh Market Conference 2017 in Warsaw.
"I think that our soft fruit packaging has the potential to trigger impulse purchases and increase sales. Consumers are looking for consistency in terms of quality, shelf-life, taste and availability. That’s why "packaging" is a crucial element for the sales performance of fruit produce marketing," stressed Massimiliano.
Carton Pack was recently nominated for the Fresh Market Award 2017 at the Fresh Market Conference, for their CartonPET tray. The raw material and texture of CartonPET Tray is similar to paper-made packaging and is an eco-friendly and recyclable solution. However, the material rivals paper trays by providing better thermal insulation which results in extended shelf life, freshness and less thermal shock for food content after harvest. The CartonPET Tray also protects fresh produce from light and oxidizing agents.
"The demand for packaging has really changed in the last three years, choosing more branded solutions and eco-sustainable materials. The market is constantly searching for new concepts that combine functionality, together with appealing graphics and packaging formats. With the increase in demand of organics in Poland, we also see an opportunity in the future to extend our range towards biodegradable packaging materials or better eco-sustainable solutions like carton or paper packaging," concluded Massimiliano.
For more information:
Massimiliano Persico
Carton Pack
Tel: +39 3400954611
Email: [email protected]