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NL: Well visited reception for Bom Group jubilees

Last Friday a large part of the Dutch horticultural sector was present at the Kulkweg in Hoek van Holland (The Netherlands) to celebrate the jubilee’s of 3 Bom Group employees for their 40th working anniversaries.

Rob Grootscholten, Koos van Schie and Cor Sepers joined the company of the greenhouse innovator Piet Bom back in 1977, at that time known as “P.L.J. Bom B.V.” Over the year they built an extensive network, whereof a large part was present at the reception.

Photo: Martha Bruin

For a large part of the attendees the reception felt as a reunion. Stories of the past were shared and remembered, but also there were talks about the challenging future of the industry which lays before us. It was a tremendous party for the jubilees and the invitees!

For more information:
Bom Group
[email protected]
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