At least 25 producers of strawberries from the region of Zamora were victims of a multi-million dollar, international fraud. The producers have asked governor Silvano Aureoles Conejo, and the local Congress, to intervene in the case.
According to producers, they were told in 2013 that they had negative reports at the Credit Bureau for different kinds of financing that they had not requested nor received at any time.
After investigating, they realized that they had reportedly received a credit from Sofome ACCEDE, located in Guadalajara, which allocated resources to the Tecnofruit and Agrana Fruit Mexico companies, but which never gave the producers any money.
The producers had given confidential documentation to these companies to become one of its suppliers. Thus, in 2014 the affected producers went to trial to make their contracts void.
However, the verdict benefited Sofom, even though they failed to present important evidence, such as the contracts or promissory notes, signed by producers.
Apparently, the producers also put their properties up as warranty and owe 400 million pesos plus interest; which has led them ask the executive and legislative branches to intervene in this affair so that it will not affect their integrity, economy, land, and production.