What is remarkable is the construction of an Ultra-Clima greenhouse for growing cucumbers. Until now, a greenhouse of this type had only been installed for this purpose in Russia and America. The Olivier company will be the first French grower that will be cultivating cucumbers in a 26,000 m² Ultra-Clima greenhouse, using a high-wire cultivation system and diffuse glass. Growers in the South of France tend to go for Ultra-Clima technology so that they can achieve higher yields; in Western France, energy conservation is usually the motivation.
Another 15-hectare KUBO greenhouse in Dutch Flanders
Dutch Flanders is slowly but surely turning into a greenhouse horticulture area of note. The most recent expansion: a 15-hectare Venlo greenhouse for VGT, the United Vegetable Growers from Belgium. They are going to be cultivating red peppers in the greenhouse. Belgian growers do so under diffused glass, the type of glass that was used to build a greenhouse of similar size two years ago. The greenhouse - 8 metre trellis, 5 metre section sizes, 167 cm of glass - is almost complete.
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