US: University of Cincinnati invests in rooftop greenhouse upgrade
The board unanimously approved $8.2 million in funding to fund the design and construction of a new pedestrian-centered plaza bounded by the new Lindner College of Business, the Engineering Research Center, the Campus Recreation Center and the Campus Green open space. It also approved $6.8 million to fund design and construction of a new roofing system, improved laboratory rooftop exhaust fans and the reconstruction and updating of the existing rooftop greenhouse at Rieveschl Hall.
The Rieveschl Hall project will include complete replacement of the failing roofing/insulation systems and the upgrading of remaining rooftop fume hood exhaust systems. The greenhouse will be rebuilt to provide safe, state-of-the-art facilities for teaching and research functions.
The funding for the Rieveschl Hall project will be state capital.
Read more at the Cincinnati Business Courier