India: New location for Sri Biotech
The new location was officially inaugurated with a ceremony presided over by the CEO Giuseppe Natale and Prem Warrior, COO of the Valagro Group, and was also attended by employees and managers.
Along with the renewal of the Indian company's website, which was announced in July, the inauguration of Sri Biotech's new offices is the clearest sign of the new steps in the integration efforts by the Indian company within the Valagro Group. These steps include significant changes to the business, including the introduction of some of Valagro's innovative solutions into the Indian market (Viva, Kendal Nem and Megafol). Moreover, the integration process has introduced significant new elements in terms of organisation and human resource management. In particular, this includes the adoption of an internal structure in line with Valagro Group's international organisational structure, with the aim of making various company departments better suited for meeting customers’ needs domestically and globally.
Prem Warrior, Valagro Chief Operating Officer and Managing Director of Sri Biotech: "The decision to transfer the offices of Sri Biotech to a district such as Platina, home to several international companies, is a major milestone in the successful integration of our new subsidiary Sri Biotech. It demonstrates our strong commitment to the employees and is an indication of our resolve to becoming an integral part of the Valagro Group, helping to strengthen its global company identity in the biologicals sector".
For more information:
Marco Rosso
+39 334.6737943
[email protected]