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Spain: Improvement of insects for biological control at IVIA

On 19 January 2016, the Valencian Institute of Agricultural Research (IVIA) will host a technical conference that will give all visitors an opportunity to interact with the European elite in the field of research for the improvement of insects for biological pest control. The event will bring a number of scientists working on the European research project BINGO (Invertebrates Breeding for Next Generation Biocontrol) for the first time to Spain. The project's main goal is to identify genetic variations of commercial interest which can facilitate the task of introducing new and more efficient biological control agents based on the characteristics of those already traditionally present in each production area.

Koppert will actively participate in this working meeting with the presentation of interesting results on the improved performance of biological control organisms (OCB) and the latest findings on risk management in the biological control of pests and the use of the sterile male technique. These presentations will be conducted in partnership with representatives from the CABI (Centre for Agricultural Bioscience) and FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation).

Furthermore, researchers of the Dutch university of Wageningen will present the latest key scientific developments on the biology of the main insects used in biological control. The scheduled program also includes a presentation by scientists at the IVIA on the prospects of biological control in agriculture.

Participation in this technical conference is free, but registration is compulsory and must be done before 14 January at The event will be held at IVIA's headquarters in the Valencian town of Moncada and is particularly aimed at Spanish researchers and professionals involved in the management of agricultural pests.

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