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US: Fruit and veg to appear more in TV and film

Produce Marketing Association (PMA) and the Entertainment Resource and Marketing Association (ERMA) are working together to advertise the importance of fruit and vegetables as part of a daily diet through TV shows, films and online content.

"Movies, shows, and celebrities influence what consumers purchase and how they behave, so getting more fresh fruits and vegetables on-screen and in the hands of actors can help make produce cool to consumers." said Jin Ju Wilder, PMA board director.

ERMA, whose members engage in product placement, will help lobby for the use of fresh produce in various productions, whether that might be having fruit on a kitchen counter or a scene that takes place in a produce department. When popular characters choose certain things at a restaurant or as a part of their daily diet, viewers will identify that this is the right way to eat.

Both groups especially hope to reach young audiences. "By identifying shows with school-age characters, we hope we can help move today’s youth to a healthier lifestyle and lessen the incidence of problems such as child obesity."

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