Situation Dutch greenhouse sector remains worrying
The number of sales through NVM brokers in the first six months of 2015 (13) was at a significantly lower level than the sales figures of the same period last year (46).
Companies are also sold at relatively low prices, almost all under 700,000 euros.
"Partly, this has to do with the fact that these are relatively small businesses, averaging 3.5 hectares," says A & LV-chairman. "The bigger companies generally remain in demand. Modern vegetable companies are still the best in the market, such as pepper and tomato growers. This in contrast to companies that are specifically designed for the production of one product."
The high land prices hamper the growth of field grown horticulture, according to the NVM. Some companies invest in alternative settings or in greenhouses. For example the relocation of strawberry cultivation from the open field to greenhouses.