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US (IL): A sea of red at poinsettia greenhouse

Walk into the Leider Greenhouse and you are witness to a sea of red. Poinsettias fill the large room at the Buffalo Grove nursery.

The fourth generation, family-owned business has grown 300,000 plants for the 2014 holiday season alone. The planting began in June.

"The season started really slow because the November weather was so awful, but it has really picked up since then," said greenhouse President Mark Leider. "I think people definitely enjoy poinsettias, and they are a favorite among baby boomers."

Leider dispels the misconception that poinsettias are poisonous and dangerous to children and pets. Every year they hear people say they don't buy the plant because of concern it will harm a cat or a dog, and it's a myth, Leider says.

"That rumor started decades ago, and it has been impossible to wipe out," he added.

The Pet Poison Helpline largely bears him out, writing, "While poinsettias are commonly hyped as poisonous plants, they rarely are, and the poisoning is greatly exaggerated."

The beautiful red and white flower is indigenous to Mexico and Central America and a traditional Christmas favorite.

But as the holiday season has become longer, Leider now ships the plants out in November and many can be found as centerpieces on Thanksgiving tables.

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