Mexico: United Farms and HortiMaX sign partnership agreement
Maurico Revah of United Farms (second from right) visiting the team of HortiMax at the Expo AgroAlimentaria Guanajuato in Irapuato last week.
During the last few years, United Farms has successfully developed and operated the Finka and Solar Garden projects in the Queretaro Agro Park, where HortiMaX also supplied all integrated equipment. After the acquisition of the Incubados greenhouses, a plan was made to expand the Incubados greenhouses with additional hectares and upgrade the existing systems to state-of- the-art HortiMaX technology.
For HortiMaX, the Incubados project will be a showcase of its high-tech greenhouse technology. The Incubados project will have the MultiMa climate computer, several FertiMiX fertigation units, a minimum of two VitaLite UV disinfection units and a Productive labour and production management system.
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