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Yagagro & Growtech Eurasia:

Adegeest Kasverwarming active at international horticultural fairs

On 25-28 November 2014, the Russian town of Krasnodar will host the 21th edition of YUGAGRO. Among this year’s participants is Dutch Greenhouse Heating company Adegeest Kasverwarming. Activities following the recent delivery of a heat storage tank and a misting system at a rose nursery in Transnistria (Moldova), participation in the horticultural trade show is considered the next step to generate more consumer awareness in the region around the Black Sea.

Growtech Eurasia
Adegeest will also be present at Growtech Eurasia.
This large horticultural trade show - near the overlapping of Europe and Asia - will be held on 3-6 December, 2014 in Antalya, Turkey. CFO Jean-Pierre Schenkeveld: "In recent years we have firmly committed to export. Apart from our activities in Switzerland, this has mainly resulted in assignments in Asia. Currently, we’re concluding our 3rd venture in Kazakhstan, while being simultaneously engaged in two projects in Turkey. When these projects have been launched, we leave for Azerbaijan. In other words: we like to keep busy!”

For more on YUGAGRO see:

Company information:
Jean-Pierre Schenkeveld
Adegeest Kasverwarming
[email protected]
Publication date: