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another three Ultra-Clima® greenhouses:

French acreage with high tech greenhouses on the rise

"The French market has become a lot bigger this year" This says Dennis Leijde, responsible for the French market at greenhouse constructor KUBO. "This year we realized seven projects in France, which is for us a record. Not only do we build a lot of greenhouses this year in France, but also our competitors."

For several years, KUBO is present in France and we do this together with Hortère Conseil. In 2010 KUBO built there the project Tomatrio, the first Ultra-Clima® greenhouse in Europe. Dennis Leijde: "It's really a trend in contrast to the Netherlands, in France this technology is quickly adopted. Today there are five customers with seven Ultra-Clima® greenhouses. "

Project Jean-Christophe Salou, 8.641 m² Ultra-Clima® Plouescat, France.

This year there will be built another three Ultra-Clima® greenhouses; Jean-Christophe Salou, Les Hydrangeas and Tomatrio. What stands out here; Mr. Salou has exchange his experience with Mr. Le Duff who is working for a number of years with the patented Ultra-Clima® system. Tomatrio expands its current Ultra-Clima® this year, and clearly indicates that this system meets his expectations more than expected. In addition, there are four conventional greenhouses built. This includes projects in order for the companies; René Briand, L'Oratoire, Du Château Les Reflets de las Presqu'ile.

Despite that “also” the French growers have suffered from the recession and international issues, many still invest in new greenhouses.

Although the semi-closed Ultra-Clima® system has a higher investment per m2 compared to a conventional Venlo greenhouse, however, through energy savings and increased productivity, it is not difficult win more investment in short time. These benefits are applicable in many countries. The French growers in Europe are the first to embrace the Ultra-Clima® system.

Partly due to the collaboration with Hortère Conseil KUBO can realize these projects.

For more information on KUBO:

KUBO Sustainable Greenhouse Projects
[email protected]
+31 174 (0) 28 61 61

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