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Nature & More first to market with new sugar cane packaging

Nature & More, the international specialist in organic vegetables and fruit, is the first company that has begun to use sustainable packaging derived from sugar cane on a large scale. The material looks like fine cardboard and beats almost all other materials when it comes to sustainability: it's easily compostable, 100% gentech free, made of waste material, tree-friendly and plastic-free. And the good news: the market is embracing this new development.

Paul Hendriks, packaging expert at Nature & More, is a satisfied man: "Together with our suppliers we have been working for two years to develop these new packing materials. We are now selling organic vine tomatoes, pears and physalis packed with the sugarcane materials and our customers are very pleased with the first results. I feel that we have taken a major step in packing innovation. No-one else is doing this yet!"

French supermarket chain Carrefour is one of Nature & More's first clients to have opted for organic fruit and vegetables packed with the new materials. Julie Mahmoun, product manager at Carrefour : "As part of our anti-waste program, packaging is a very important issue for Carrefour. We encourage our suppliers to minimize the environmental footprint of packaging by focusing on recycling and working with renewable and waste materials. The new Eosta / Nature & More sugar cane tray fits our philosophy and that is why we have selected it for our organic fruit and vegetables."

Nature & More is now replacing the old trays, tags, labels and stickers with the new materials. The look is clean and natural and fits perfectly with organic products, according to Paul Hendriks. " It's plastic free. It's made of waste material that would otherwise be burnt, resulting in pollution. Therefore it doesn't put a claim on new land. What more can we wish for?"

For more information:
Michael Wilde
Tel: +31-(0)180-635563
Email: [email protected]
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