New biological solution for intensive monitoring of Asian fruit fly
The female Drosophila suzukii lays her eggs under the skin of not yet fully matured fruit. Berries soon after will start to rotten, thus threatening quality and yield.
The simple plastic cups with the specially developed attractant are ready to use. Steel hooks to easily hang the cups onto the crop, or place them in the soil, are available. Rain caps protect the cups from rain water getting in.
Hanging cup-traps for one hectare will cost some 3 hours of work, and approximately € 850,00 to € 1.000,00 of investment.
Cup-traps should be applied before the Drosophila suzukii is found, but at the latest when the berries start to colour. Some three weeks after hanging the first cups each two meters around the outer edges of the plot, extra cups can be hung in between. The costs for a starting-set with 32 cups, 8 rain caps and 8 hooks are € 99,00.
The attractant consist of only biological product. The cups can be disposed as regular waste.
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