Germany: Koppert acquires Welte-Nützlinge GmbH
Peter Koppert - one of the owners of Koppert Biological Systems, having founded the company together with his father - established the first contacts with the former owner of Welte-Nützlinge, Mr Hatto Welte, in the 1970s.
Mr Welte was a pioneer in the field of biological crop protection as an alternative to chemical pest control. He introduced beneficials such as predatory mites and parasitic wasps on Reichenau Island in the south of Germany, the home base of the company and famed for its vegetable farms. Over the years, he developed the business further, extending it into the rest of Germany, Switzerland, and other countries.
Mr Hatto Welte recently passed away at the age of 75. Patrick Welte, the managing director of Welte and son of Mr Hatto Welte explains the company’s vision: ‘It was my father’s dream to perpetuate the business and to see his efforts and ideas carried forward into the future. He saw biological crop protection as something important for our generation and future generations.’
Peter Maes, marketing and sales director for Europe, adds: ‘We are confident that we can perpetuate the business of Welte, which has been built up steadily over the years, serving many satisfied customers. We want to continue the solid relationships that have been formed by maintaining the existing service. Recent developments at Koppert will further broaden the solutions that we are able to offer our clients. With the assistance of the team at Koppert Germany, we have developed plans to ensure a smooth transition.’