Greenport Business & Retail is a four-year bachelor study in which students learn about e.g. cultivation and cultivation techniques, economics , management and organization. The 3rd year students who followed the hands-on class , have a major in cultivation technology and breeding. This specialized training teaches students on the great variety of production techniques and technologies that can be used in horticulture. In the third year these students have quite mastered their theoretical knowledge on matters such as photosynthesis and evaporation. However, a challenge is on how to use this in setting up climate regulation.
Practice-based learning, one step closer to business
InHolland considers practice-based learning very important because it connects students with horticultural businesses.Moreover, it is a good way for students to test their theoretical knowledge. Hoogendoorn’s main aim to provide this training is to lift up knowledge of the horticultural sector to an even higher level. Therefore, they teach students in a two-day course on how to optimize macro- and micro-climate with the process computer in an energy efficient manner. This broadens students’ understanding on what actually happens in the greenhouse and on how their chosen strategy effects crop growth and energy consumption. Students that attended the course received a certificate.
InHolland and horticultural automation company Hoogendoorn have a partnership for four years already in order to prepare students on their future jobs. “We chose to have practice-based training at companies, such as Hoogendoorn, to retrieve knowledge and techniques”, says Kees Rietveld, professor on Cultivation Technology at InHolland.
“We are working together with Hoogendoorn in a very smooth and consistent manner. Several months in advance we exchange ideas on the course content and we mutually determine how to cast the lessons . It is of greatest importance to integrate hands-on training into our study program at the right time, based on the current knowledge of our students.”
Guest lectures Sustainable Cultivation
Hoogendoorn also provides lessons for 3rd year students on ‘Sustainable Cultivation' whom have opted for a major in . 'Cultivation '. On behalf of Hoogendoorn, Jan Voogt specialist in the field of fysics and climate control, teaches students on sustainable Next Generation Cultivation techniques. These new techniques aim to optimize production and quality with a minimum use of fossil energy.For more information: