US (NY): Cornell-sponsored High Tunnel School in Batavia
Whether you’re an established grower or a newbie, there’s lots to hear and see at this Cornell-sponsored High Tunnel School in Batavia, NY (CCE Genesee County) on Wednesday and Thursday, December 4 and 5, 2013. Address: 420 East Main, Batavia, NY.
What you’ll learn? Which pests — think aphids, slugs, and cabbageworms — find high tunnels a great winter vacation spot and how to biological controls and biorational pesticides could help you deal with them. What to look for when choosing a high tunnel, and how to site it. How to design sustainable, holistic growing systems. As always, experienced growers and knowledgeable researchers have lots to offer, and a tour on the 4th provides boots-on-the-ground learning opportunities.
NRCS-cooperating farms are especially encouraged to attend; recertification credits are available. Note that registration is handled through CCE Yates County. Got questions? Call +1 315 536 5123.