Columbus, Ohio Selected as Host City for 2017 & 2018 Short Course
After a nationwide site selection process that involved evaluating convention facilities, hotel rates and availability, travel ease, guest safety, and growth opportunities, Columbus, Pittsburgh, and St. Louis were identified as the top contenders for 2017 and 2018. “It was a competitive process, and the new AmericanHort board of directors agreed that holding Short Course in Columbus was the right strategic decision for the event and provides the best opportunity to serve the horticulture industry,” said Mark Foertmeyer, Board Chairman. “Columbus ranked favourably in all evaluated areas. Additionally, the city and hospitality community continue to make critical investments to provide a world-class experience for visitors. Columbus has made considerable investments in its downtown area to attract visitors and large conventions.”
In June it was announced that Short Course will expand in 2014 by adding a 50,000 square‐foot exhibit hall to host more companies that sell products and services to garden retailers. “With the consolidation of OFA and ANLA to form AmericanHort, Short Course is expected to see significant growth as it serves more horticulture professionals. The Columbus Convention Center has the necessary exhibit and meeting space as we aggressively plan for Short Course growth,” said Michael V. Geary, CAE, AmericanHort President & Chief Executive Officer. “Columbus is only a day’s drive from half of the country’s population, so it’s easy to get to Short Course. The convention center is in the heart of a vibrant arts and entertainment district, so there is plenty for members, their families, and young professionals to do when not buying, learning, and networking at the event.”
“Short Course is known for showcasing innovation in the horticulture industry. It’s important that we hold this crucial industry event in a city that is also focused on innovation,” said Geary. “Columbus has been recognized for innovation in technology, biosciences, and even its food scene. There are great things happening in Columbus that will inspire those coming to Short Course. Selecting Columbus to host the 2017 and 2018 Short Course was the right decision as we focus on the future and serving our members.”
For more information on the OFA Short Course, please visit :