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Spain: Sakata Seed Ibérica celebrates centenary with succesful piel de sapo

This year, Sakata Seed Ibérica is proud of the success in the market with the newly developed Piel de Sapo melon varieties, as is the case of CORDIAL, undoubtedly the most successful new variety. "We found varieties in the market that have the taste qualities of those traditional Piel de Sapo melons of thirty or forty years ago, that the farmers grew for their own consumption. We've recovered these varieties and we have developed them so as to market them widely", explains Javier Bernabeu, Sakata Seed Iberica's manager.

"It's an important step because, until this moment, important contributions had only been made from hybrid varieties focusing on productivity and performance. We've gone further, focusing primarily on the fidelity to these traditional flavours. Piel de Sapo melon consumption is growing as people are enjoying these new varieties, they've rediscovered the authentic melon flavours, "he said.

Although in recent years Sakata Seed Iberica has made great efforts to develop the Piel de Sapo melon variety, it hasn't neglected vegetable seeds in general, and of course its reference product, the broccoli.

CHRONOS, a new broccoli variety, which this year has reached a remarkable market consolidation, was created based on the search for the best organoleptic qualities and yields that the producers need. "CHRONOS is just different," says Javier.

"Its main feature, from the production point of view, is its short development cycle that lasts between 70 and 75 days. It is suitable for cultivation in Murcia and its harvest is done from mid-October to January. This is a variety characterized by having a smaller pellet, of about 350 grams, and that is more compact. It's aimed for individual consumption or smaller family units."

100 years developing seeds
Sakata is celebrating, for it's not every day you get to be 100. The company will be celebrating its Centennial at the Fruit Attraction 2013, in Madrid. "We invite visitors to Fruit Attraction to join the celebration at our booth, where we will develop different activities. We want every visitor to feel part of this party! "Concluded Javier Bernabeu.

Visit Sakata Seed Iberica at the 7E13A stand in Hall 7.

Plaza Poeta Vicente Gaos 6 bajo
46021 VALENCIA (España)
T: +34963563427
Fax +34963563404
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