GEO T Expo in Essen will gather the worldwide geothermal industry
Klaus Reich, Divisional Manager for Fairs and Exhibitions, MESSE ESSEN GmbH: "As Messe Essen, we have, with our cooperation partner Lorenz Kommunikation, set ourselves the objective of developing the GEO T Expo into the event in the international geothermal sector in the medium and long terms. Together with our partners including GtV, GZB, IGA ("International Geothermal Association"), EnergieAgentur.NRW and LEE ("Professorship for Energy Systems and Energy Management"), we want to create a marketplace which will bring together the decision takers and knowledge holders from industry and research on a high level within the framework of a fair and will thus contribute to ensuring that geothermics as an energy generation form capable of safeguarding the base load will be perceived in its significance for the worldwide energy supply as well as the earnings potentials which will have to be achieved for the participating companies."
Klaus Lorenz, Managing Director, Lorenz Kommunikation: "Similar to the case of wind energy years ago, geothermics is only at the start of the development and has a great potential. The people involved in the value added process have a great need to exchange opinions. The GEO T Expo will offer the appropriate setting for this. Geothermics offers the decisive advantage that, even now, it is already supplying energy at competitive prices, also including heat, an important subject which is not yet the focus of the public discussion about everything to do with the energy turnaround - a subject which will inevitably come."
Dr. André Deinhardt, Managing Director, GtV - Bundesverband Geothermie e.V. ("Federal Geothermal Association"): "Every year, Bundesverband Geothermie stages the DGK Geothermal Congress. It is the central meeting place in the sector. This year, we have decided in favour of a joint appearance with the GEO T Expo. Messe Essen is offering us good spatial prerequisites, excellent transport links and great experience in the organisation of fairs and congresses. During the DGK congress taking place parallel to the GEO T Expo, the newest technological developments will be discussed and presented in over 180 specialist lectures delivered by scientists and practitioners. The entire spectrum of geothermal technologies will be represented at the congress: near-surface and deep geothermics. I am certain that the close connection between the DGK expert congress and the GEO T Expo will offer a great deal of extra value for our visitors and speakers."
Dr. Frank-Michael Baumann, Managing Director, EnergieAgentur.NRW ("North Rhine-Westphalia Energy Agency"): "There are great chances for geothermics in Germany and NRW and these are being used day in day out. That is being shown not only by the large number of earth-coupled heat pump installations which are being installed year in year out. In North Rhine-Westphalia alone, approx. 50,000 heat pumps tied to geothermal heat and another 50,000 heat pumps with other utilisation sources have been installed in the meantime. Around half a million heat pumps are working nationwide. The GEO T Expo and the Geothermal Congress 2013 of GtV - Bundesverband Geothermie will come to Essen as an international trade fair at the right point in time: exactly right with regard to both the subject and the choice of the venue, in order not only to provide the subject with an appropriate nationwide platform but also to position the number-one energy region as the geothermal location anywhere in the country too."
Holger Born, Internationales Geothermiezentrum (GZB - "International Geothermal Centre"): "All over the world, there are certainly regions which, from a geological viewpoint, are more suitable for the utilisation of geothermics than NRW or the Ruhr metropolis. However, particularly with regard to deep geothermal reservoirs, the Ruhr metropolis plays host to the headquarters of companies which have worldwide activities as well as know-how and competence along the geothermal value added chain. Another decisive aspect in favour of Essen and the Ruhr area as the venue for the GEO T Expo is the distinct urban nature of the region. Even more than today, urban regions will be the living spaces of the future. Geothermics is predestined for supplying these metropolises with energy, heat and cold.
"As Internationales Geothermiezentrum, we will support the GEO T Expo from Bochum because we believe that this fair is important for the development of the sector, for the interlinking of the economic and scientific fields as well as for the international exchange of opinions about everything to do with geothermics between users and suppliers."
Dr. Bodo Lehmann, General Divisional Manager, DMT GmbH & Co. KG: "In recent years, deep geothermics has experienced a meteoric upswing in Germany in particular. Deep geothermics supplies an infinite mineral resource which conserves the climate and the landscape and is regenerative, innovative, sustainable, crisis-resistant and available around the clock. In the field of deep geothermics, various technologies are being utilised in Germany at the moment: deep geothermal heat probes as well as the utilisation of deep hydrothermal and petrothermal reservoirs. However, the current developments are focusing on the subsequent utilisation of old underground workings or mine drainage waters for geothermal applications. For over 20 years, DMT has been a reliable partner for project organisers and developers in geothermics. With geophysical measuring techniques and with both geological and hydrological know-how, we carry out the complete preliminary reconnaissance right up to the drilling path planning for them. However, geomonitoring has also become ever more significant in recent years. For us, it is important for our services to contribute to minimising the drilling risk, to increasing the safety, to minimising the costs of the exploitation and to raising the productivity in this way. We are looking forward to being allowed to present our services to a wide international public at the GEO T Expo, a chance for new projects, for strengthening the network, for entering into cooperation measures and for exchanging knowledge."
As the international fair for the geothermal industry in the number-one federal state for energy technology in Germany, the GEO T Expo will take place for the first time on November 12 14. As an exhibitor and/or as a visitor, you can find further information at
The 2nd GEO T Expo at Messe Essen on November 11 13, 2014.