Royal van Zanten chooses ISO Cutting planter 4000 for mums
Royal van Zanten’s production & logistics director Michael Mackaay about their choice “The pay-back time and the planting quality were decisive for us. The machines have proven to do their job very well and reliable.”. ISO Group executive director Piet Oomen says “We are thankful to welcome Royal van Zanten as customer. More and more breeders and growers see the benefits of automatical planting of cuttings. Every single cutting is planted at the same depth which is a perfect start for equal growth of roots. Our machines can do Chrysanthemum but also other variaties like Buxus, and Osteospermum. We also developed a version for Schlumbergera. It’s our goal to improve customers repetitive processes by automation, and so, to help them to be more successful in their businesses.”
For more information
Andreas Hofland
[email protected]