FoodTechHolland successfully approaches new customers with total solutions at AgriTech India 2013
In the FoodTechHolland ‘street’, the cluster members VEK, Priva, Rijk Zwaan, Koppert, RBK Group, SolidPack, Rademaker, Selo, Hypor , MPS, Lentiz and Tolsma promoted their expertise and high tech solutions along the supply chain and discussed how these technologies can be tailored to the specific needs of the Indian food market.
FoodTechHolland is led by Larive International and supported by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation. Mr. Arie Veldhuizen - Counselor for Agriculture, Nature & Food Quality at the Embassy of the Netherlands in New Delhi - represented the Dutch government at the exhibition and remarked, "The approach of FoodTechHolland, a well-represented cluster of Dutch Agri & Food companies, is very professional. Let's work together towards a sound bases for Dutch companies doing business in the Indian market".
The AgriTech exhibition attracted a large number of visitors leading to huge business potential for Indo-Dutch collaboration in the Agri & Food sector. Participation of FoodTechHolland in the AgriTech contributed to the objective to increase and improve the commercial involvement of Dutch companies in the food processing and the agro-logistic sector in India.