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Netherlands: P. Zuijderwijk Import starts selling Intense plum tomatoes

In the winter season, importer Paul Zuijderwijk maintains a clear focus: Canary tomatoes and Spanish Intense tomatoes. In the summer this set is supplemented by Dutch produce. Now, Paul has started the sale of Intense tomato for the third season in a row. The sale of this plum tomato by Nunhems began around week 43, 44.

Intense tomatoes have a higher density than other tomatoes, without losing shape or sap. Paul looks at the season with confidence. "We supply them in sizes M, MP and MM, although MM might have limited availability initially. The tomatoes are sold under the brand Roxy."

More information:
P. Zuijderwijk Import
Transportweg 45
2676 LM Maasdijk
Tel: 0031 174-520749
Mob: 0031 6-53372435
[email protected]
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