"When thinking about Sicilian date tomatoes, many characteristics come to mind that set apart a product that is appreciated and enjoyed in Italy and Europe," reports Daniele Reina, Seeds Tech's Sicily area manager.
A moment during a visit to the display greenhouse. (Click here to see the photo album).
"The shape is reminiscent of a miniature San Marzano, with the characteristic grooves on the surface. The bright red color is very appealing and the crunchiness, sweetness, and acidity make this type of tomato one of the most appreciated in the range of table tomatoes. The Gricale F1 variety embodies all these aspects."
Giovanni Albani (OP Albani, the company that hosted the event)
The seed company started the 2025/26 season by introducing the new variety during the third annual meeting, organized a few days ago in Scoglitti (RG), at the OP Albani "Costa Esperia" production site.
Gricale F1
"The many participants were able to see how Gricale stands out for its characteristics and appreciated all the important aspects for farmers, including a strong and continuous plant, high productivity, early coloring as well as resistance to cracking and during post-harvest. We are delighted to renew this event at Albani. Gaining the trust of the industry means a lot to us, and we always try to respond with attention to detail, professionalism, and customer care. Varietal development follows this direction, and this is our way of thanking all those who attended the open day for their attention and their time."
"Gricale F1 is a product that is the result of the attention we pay on both a commercial and agronomic level. It boasts full, elegant, and fleshy bunches, with green rachis. Fruits are bright red and feature the characteristic dimples of date tomatoes. The taste is very pleasant, with a high Brix level combined with a distinct acidity. They are resistant to cracking and the variety is very productive thanks to a very flexible and continuous plant."
Greenhouse row of Gricale F1
All the figures in a company are equally essential, so much so that the seed company wanted the Costa Esperia company manager, Michele Denaro, to make a point of saying: "As farm manager, Op Albani asks me to manage cultivation in such a way as to determine a high-quality standard for the product, without ever neglecting greenhouse yields. With the Seeds Technologies varieties, we manage to strike exactly this balance, both with the Livanti F1 cherry and the Gricale F1 date variety."
Michele Denaro
The full international team of Seeds Technologies Italia attended the event at the present, as well as the managers for Spain, Egypt, and Turkey.
For more information:
Seeds Technologies Italia
Reina Daniele - Sicily Area Manager
+39 389 443 0170
Iacono Carmelo
Eastern Sicily Area Manager
+39 327 571 9720
Marino Emanuele
Crop Specialist
+39 333 3341977
Stefano Recovery
Team Coordinator
+39 334 7200881
[email protected]