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CAN: Webinar aims to aid growers in using Ontario's Crop Protection Hub

Still unfamiliar with Ontario's Crop Protection Hub and want to know more about it? Then join the Greenhouse Floriculture IPM Specialist and Cara McCreary (Greenhouse Vegetable IPM Specialist) for a live demonstration Thursday, Dec. 12 at noon. This demo will apply to greenhouse vegetable and floriculture growers. Nursery crop growers that grow crops in greenhouses may also find this useful.

This webinar hopes to educate growers on how to quickly access rates and REIs of greenhouse pest-control products, compare efficacies of pesticides and fungicides for Ontario pests, look up the compatibility of chemical products with natural enemies, and access the legal label easily for more information.

What: Planning your spring IPM program with Ontario's Crop Protection Hub

Who: Sarah Jandricic (Greenhouse Floriculture IPM Specialist for OMAFA) and Cara McCreary (Greenhouse Vegetable IPM Specialist).

Description: "This webinar will be a live demo, illustrating how Crop Hub is a useful tool to easily look up products to help plan a comprehensive IPM program in spring crops and beyond. The moderators encourage everyone to follow along with them in real time, so as to become familiar with the look and feel of the Hub. Relevant examples of floriculture and vegetable crops will be given, and we'll go over key features. There will also be a questions and answers period."

Time: Thursday, December 12 from 12-1:15 pm

If you wish to register for the webinar, you can do so here.

Source: Ontario Floriculture

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