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Jammu Agriculture:

India: Director tours agricultural initiatives

Director of Agriculture Jammu, S. Arvinder Singh Reen conducted an extensive tour of the Poonch district reviewing agricultural initiatives and engaging with officials and progressive farmers.

The visit commenced at the Chief Agriculture Office Complex, where the Director interacted with Agriculture officers and field staff, emphasizing the importance of commitment and diligence in executing farmer-centric initiatives. He provided clear directives for the effective implementation of projects under the Holistic Agriculture Development Programme (HADP) and other schemes.

During the tour, the Director visited the Hi-Tech Polyhouse of progressive farmer Ashwani Kumar, established under HADP. Ashwani Kumar, known for cultivating exotic vegetables such as Seedless Cucumber, Cherry tomato, broccoli, kale, and bell peppers, received valuable guidance on diversifying his production, productivity, and ultimately high returns.

The Director of Agriculture Jammu motivated him to cultivate these high-value crops in the Hi-Tech Polyhouse around the year to harvest the maximum returns enhance income and meet market demands. He appreciated the farmer's innovative practices and commended his role in modernizing agriculture in the district.

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