UV rays are part of natural sunlight and are largely around us on a sunny day. One of the wavelengths of UV rays (the UVC wavelength) kills viruses, bacteria, and fungi. This property can be used for UVC disinfection. Micothon develops and manufactures mobile and stationary solutions that control and kill fungi in greenhouses. UVC systems are environmentally friendly. Peter van Dongen, Micothon: "The absence of chemicals makes it a safe and green technology. UVC light treatment is effective in the fight against mildew. Reason enough for us to develop several effective applications for greenhouse farming, fitting into the Greenhouse IPM 2.0 vision. And now, with Mico Light, we offer a wide range of solutions in the field of UVC light treatment of various crops in greenhouse horticulture."
UV-C treatment
To give an idea, the following images were taken in Kris Lambrechts' greenhouse. Kris grows strawberries in Merksplas, Belgium. Mildew is a troublesome factor in strawberry growing. Green and chemical agents are quickly resorted to. Kris switched to UV-C treatments in the fight against mildew. With UV-C, there is no residue on the plants, and there is less Phytotox on the plants, resulting in higher yields. Kris deploys Mico Light 3 times a week. From 1 hour after sunset to 2 hours before sunrise.
For more information:
Peter van Dongen
Tel: +31 (0)6 53 25 60 44
[email protected]
www.mico thon.nl