The Union Cabinet, led by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has approved the Clean Plant Programme (CPP). Supported by a substantial investment of Rs. 1,765.67 crore and spearheaded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, the CPP aims to enhance the quality and productivity of fruit crops across the country. This initiative will set new benchmarks for excellence and sustainability in agriculture.
CPP is designed to address critical issues in horticulture by providing access to high-quality, virus-free planting material. The program is poised to deliver numerous benefits across various stakeholders, from farmers to consumers, and bolster India's position in the global fruit market.
Horticulture schemes and initiatives
India's horticulture sector, vital for both the economy and nutrition, has seen significant enhancements through various government schemes and initiatives. These programs are designed to address diverse challenges and unlock the sector's potential, focusing on improving crop quality, expanding production, and ensuring market access.
National Horticulture Mission (NHM)
aunched in 2005, the NHM is a centrally sponsored scheme aimed at promoting holistic growth of the horticulture sector. It focuses on enhancing horticulture production, improving nutritional security, and providing income support to farmers. The mission covers a wide range of horticulture crops and provides support for various activities including area expansion, rejuvenation of old orchards, protected cultivation, and post-harvest management.
Enhanced Support for Horticulture Under PMFBY
Under the PMFBY guidelines, the premium contribution for farmers is capped at 2% for Kharif crops, 1.5% for Rabi crops, and 5% for commercial and horticultural crops. This substantial support underscores the government's commitment to protecting horticultural crops, reflecting their importance and the need for targeted insurance solutions to safeguard this vital sector.
Horticulture Cluster Development Programme (HCDP)
The HCDP is designed to leverage geographical specialization and promote integrated and market-led development of horticulture clusters. By focusing on identified crops in specific regions, it aims to optimize productivity through better utilization of resources. The program targets to increase in exports of the focus crops and seeks to improve the competitiveness of Indian horticulture products in the global market.
Post-harvest Infrastructure Development Scheme
This scheme addresses the critical issue of post-harvest losses in the horticulture sector. It provides support for establishing modern post-harvest facilities such as pack houses, ripening chambers, cold storage units, and processing facilities. By improving post-harvest management, the scheme aims to reduce wastage, extend the shelf life of produce, and ensure better returns for farmers.
Soil Health Card Scheme
While not exclusive to horticulture, this scheme significantly benefits horticultural farmers. It involves testing soil samples and providing farmers with soil health cards containing crop-wise recommendations for nutrients and fertilizers. This enables farmers to make informed decisions about soil management, potentially leading to improved crop yields and reduced input costs.
Horticulture Mission for North East and Himalayan States (HMNEH)
This mission focuses on the comprehensive development of horticulture in the North Eastern states and Himalayan regions. It takes into account the unique agro-climatic conditions of these areas and promotes crops that are particularly suited to these regions, aiming to improve farmers' livelihoods and promote sustainable horticulture practices.
Clean Plant Programme (CPP) stands as a transformative initiative poised to significantly elevate India's horticulture sector. By improving the quality and sustainability of fruit production and enhancing the country's export capabilities, the CPP is set to reinforce India's position as a global leader in the fruit trade. Furthermore, its inclusive approach, which ensures equitable access to resources and actively involves women farmers, highlights the programme's dedication to fostering broad-based growth and development within the sector.