When word spread across Sugar Valley Tuesday afternoon confirming the cloud of thick black smoke seen in the sky just south of Loganton was coming from the Sugar Valley Greenhouse, panic and concern set in, as fire truck after fire truck kept coming through town, lights flashing and sirens blaring.
The greenhouse has been a staple for house plants, flowers and vegetable plants for decades, with many customers faithfully traveling from several counties away to buy their spring plants each year. The shop is owned by Sarah Stoltzfus and managed by her daughter Feenie Esh.
“The Sugar Valley Fire Company really did a good job and they got here really quick,” said Feenie. “For a while we thought the barn was going to go. There were some sparks from the shed that landed in there, and the straw and the hay caught on fire inside, but the fire company saw what was going on, and they stopped it right away. Because of them, the damage really isn’t that bad, not like it might have been. They really are something.”
“The main thing we lost was our work area and our tobacco shed, and some equipment. It wasn’t much. And we didn’t lose any flowers from inside the greenhouse at all,” she continued.
Read more at lockhaven.com