The pressure from the greenhouse whitefly on covered strawberry crops is still quite high, reports Bayer. Honeydew on leaves and fruits is causing problems now, yet the high population ahead of winter is a cause for concern for the early spring.
Even though the temperature is low in the winter, the population remains the same. Going into spring, during the cleaning up and stocking up, there is usually some pressure already.
Under current conditions, Bayer is seeing "excellent results" with the combination of Sivanto Prime, FLiPPER and Dynex in the control of greenhouse whitefly in covered strawberry crops. It is advisable to fight the greenhouse whitefly already in this period in order to reduce the pressure in the spring.
Bayer recommends the following plan:
- Sivanto Prime 0,625 L/ha (2 x per 12 months)
- FLiPPER single application 10 L/ha + Dynex
- FLiPPER tank mix application 5 L/ha + Dynex
- Always add at least 0,15% Dynex (dosis Dynex)
- Combine Sivanto Prime 0,625 L/ha + FLiPPER 5 L/ha + Dynex for the best results.
For more information:
Bayer CropScience SA-NV