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Down about 0.3 million tons compared to 2019

EU fresh vegetable production at 62.9 million tons in 2020

In 2020, Italy and Spain produced about two-thirds of the EU’s tomatoes. Spain and the Netherlands produced a little less than one-half of the EU’s onions.

The EU’s harvested production of fresh vegetables was 62.9 million tons in 2020, about 0.3 million tons less than in 2019.

Within this group, the harvested production of tomatoes was 16.5 million tons in 2020, that of onions was an estimated 6.6 million tons, and that of carrots an estimated 4.7 million tons.

Almost two-thirds of the EU tomato production in 2020 was harvested in Italy (6.2 million tons) and Spain (4.3 million tons). Despite a higher harvested production of tomatoes in Italy compared to 2019 (+8.1 %), the overall EU harvest was lower (-2.9 %), principally because of a sharp decline (-13.8 %) in Spain.

In 2020, the harvested production of carrots in the EU was slightly lower (-0.9 %) than in 2019, principally due to falls in the Netherlands (-6.8 %) and Belgium (-19.8 %), and despite higher production in Portugal (+56.0 %), among others.

EU onion production in 2020 was slightly higher (+0.7 %) than in 2019, with strong growth in Poland (+23.8 %) and Greece (+28.8 %) in particular, offsetting smaller harvests in Spain (-9.6 %) and the Netherlands (-2.1 %), among others.


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