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Chinese vegetable prices up after adverse weather in key producing regions

The Mintec price of various Chinese vegetables surged in October amid tight supply following heavy rainfall in Northern China. In October and November, the price of cabbage, lettuce and onion rose significantly and continue on an upward trajectory.

The Chinese cabbage price increased 27% y-o-y and 36% m-o-m in October to CNY 3.93/kg, and this upward trend continues in November. In addition, Chinese lettuce and onion prices climbed up 26% and 7% m-o-m in October, to CNY 6.41/kg and CNY 2.79/kg, respectively.

Adverse weather in Northern China during sowing and harvest led to quality issues and high crop losses of various vegetables. Market participants in Shandong, China’s largest vegetable-growing province reported large losses because of flooded fields. The heavy rainfall impacted the proportion of output suitable for usage, resulting in a decline in supply which has exerted upward pressure on prices.


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