Spain is undoubtedly the largest supplier of aubergine to the EU. 58.62% of the volume sold in the EU markets in the 2020/2021 campaign came from Spain, according to the data prepared by Hortoinfo, from the statistical service Euroestacom (Icex-Eurostat).
In the last campaign, the EU-27 bought a total of 208.33 million kilos of aubergines for €240.16 million, at an average price of €1.15/kg.
Spain has sold 122.13 million kilos of aubergines in Community territory for €139.41 million, at an average price of €1.14/kg.
The Netherlands is the second-biggest supplier of aubergines to the European Union (no longer including the United Kingdom) with a volume of 39.30 million kilos, 18.86% of the total, for a value of €45.31 million and an average price of €1.15/kg.
It is followed by Turkey with 10.66 million kilos worth 10.48 million euro and an average price of € 0.98/kg.
Germany ranks fourth with 10.52 million kilos worth €14.15 million and an average price of €1.34/kg.
Belgium ranked fifth in the period after having exported 6.03 million kilos of aubergines for €7.22 million and an average price of €1.20/kg to the EU between September 1, 2020, and August 31, 2021.